A Study on the Athletic League of the North America YMCA 북미 YMCA의 운동경기리그에 관한 연구
57(4) 1-15, 2018
A Study on the Athletic League of the North America YMCA 북미 YMCA의 운동경기리그에 관한 연구
This study examined the athletic league of the America YMCA created as part of physical work in order to identify what kind of roles the YMCA played in the late 19th century when American physical education was expanded. By investigating and analyzing the background of founding the YMCA athletic league, its characteristics and ideological foundation based on the official press of the YMCA and the YMCA athletic league handbooks, this study has drawn the following results. First, the YMCA created the YMCA athletic league in order to promote sport competitions to be able to cultivate a whole christian as well as adopt sports fever emerged in the American society in the late 19th century. Second, the YMCA laid the foundation for spreading and popularizing sports cultures within the YMCA and promoted physical work by formalizing and codifying forming a committee, policies and operating rules, events and qualification and so forth. Third, the YMCA athletic league was part of the“Muscular Christianity”movement and adopted amateurism to reject secularization to be able to be caused by sport competitions and produce an ideal Christian.
Fourth Industrial Revolution and Better Sports 4차 산업혁명과 더 나은 스포츠
57(4) 17-28, 2018
Fourth Industrial Revolution and Better Sports 4차 산업혁명과 더 나은 스포츠
The purpose of this study is to find out what is required to move toward a better sport during the 4th Industrial Revolution. Research methods are to be studied in literature. The results of the study are as follows. First, the 4th Industrial Revolution is a world of artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, robotics, big data, virtual reality, and so on. Simply put, it is the intelligibilization of artificial intelligence. The fourth industrial revolution has a difficult aspect to define its existence. Still, no matter what its name may be, it is undeniable that it is entering the age of artificial intelligence. The fourth industrial revolution is a smart era led by artificial intelligence. Second, we searched for the sports issues of the 4th Industrial Revolution by dividing them into crisis, opportunity, monitoring and freedom, and hard work and cleaning. Third, what is required in a better sport during the 4th Industrial Revolution is excellence, happiness, and meeting. After all, if the convergence between Arethe and Techne during the 4th industrial revolution is the fate of sports, we should be able to maintain the economy between the two countries and seek a combination of volume excellence and moral integrity for the better sport.
Key Words
4차 산업혁명, 인공지능, 사물인터넷, 더 나은 스포츠, 빅 데이터, Fourth industrial revolution, Artificial intelligence, Internet of things, Better sports, Big data
Doping as Person Property by Others - From the Case of the Doping in the Russia - 타자에 의한 신체소유로서의 도핑
이강우LeeKang-woo , 이제승LeeJe-seung
57(4) 29-38, 2018
Doping as Person Property by Others - From the Case of the Doping in the Russia - 타자에 의한 신체소유로서의 도핑
이강우LeeKang-woo , 이제승LeeJe-seung
We consider the question 'why should not we do doping?' And it treats it very strictly, with or without tolerance, whether doping is done by self-determination or not. Ensuring the legitimacy of anti-doping is becoming an important issue. This study interpreted the Russian government 's doping behavior through Locke' s concept of person property. Doping as "person ownership by others" under the leadership of the Russian government is the disposition of the person of an individual by a person who is a state, that is, the state has infringed the rights of individual freedom and life by owning the person of the athlete. Thus, Russian doping is an indulgence under Locke 's natural law, which means that a player can not freely use his or her person and risks the fairness of competition. Humans can take ownership of their own person, no one but you does not have any rights. Therefore, the act of owning and infringing the person of an individual who is obliged to protect one's person should be condemned. In this respect, doping as a person property by others is infringed on the individual's ownership of the person, so that in any case in the future, human beings, the subject of sports, that is, the athlete, It should be treated as.
Key Words
러시아, 도핑, Locke, 신체소유권, Russia, Doping, Person property
Relationship between Popularity Network, Peer Status Stress and Aggression among Middle School Sports Club Participants 스포츠동아리 참가 중학생의 인기도연결망과 또래지위 스트레스 및 공격성의 관계
권순신KwonSunSin , 김경식KimKyungSik
57(4) 39-51, 2018
Relationship between Popularity Network, Peer Status Stress and Aggression among Middle School Sports Club Participants 스포츠동아리 참가 중학생의 인기도연결망과 또래지위 스트레스 및 공격성의 관계
권순신KwonSunSin , 김경식KimKyungSik
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the popularity network and peer status stress and aggression of middle school students participating in sports clubs. In other words, this study was carried out to investigate the relationship between network centrality and peer status stress & aggression in middle school students participating in sports clubs after analyzing the network structure and popularity determinants. In this study, students belonging to a middle school sports club in C city of Chungcheongnam - do in 2017 were selected as research subjects. A total of 77 cases were sampled. The purpose of this study was to investigate the determinants of popularity by using name - making questionnaires and the validity of the questionnaires related to peer status stress and aggressiveness were verified through expert meetings. We analyzed the network structure and centralization of popularity by using NetMiner, and analyzed the correlation between the variables that affect the popularity and the peer status stress and aggression using SPSS. The conclusions drawn from the above research methods and procedures are as follows. First, there were a few stars in the popularity network of middle school students participating in sports clubs, they are reputed to be good and good at sports. Second, the determinants of the popularity of middle school students participating in sports clubs were found to be the determinants of popularity in sociometric and perceived popularity. Third, popularity network and popularity determinants influence negatively on peer status stress and aggression. In other words, A student network that likes exercise and a sporting student network have negative effect on peer position stress, and attractive student network has negative influence on aggression.
Key Words
인기도연결망, 또래지위 스트레스, 공격성, Popularity network, Peer status stress, Aggression
The Effect of the Lifestyle and Leisure Involvement of Korean Middle-Elderly Women Participating in Korean Dance on Recreation Specialization 한국무용 참여 중·노년 여성의 라이프스타일과 여가활동관여도가 여가활동전문화에 미치는 영향
하지연HaJiYeon , 정문미JungMoonMi , 이상희LeeSangHee
57(4) 53-68, 2018
The Effect of the Lifestyle and Leisure Involvement of Korean Middle-Elderly Women Participating in Korean Dance on Recreation Specialization 한국무용 참여 중·노년 여성의 라이프스타일과 여가활동관여도가 여가활동전문화에 미치는 영향
하지연HaJiYeon , 정문미JungMoonMi , 이상희LeeSangHee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the lifestyle and leisure involvement of Korean middle-elderly women participating in Korean dance on recreation specialization. In order to accomplish the purpose of the study, it selected 328 middle-elderly women as a population, who are participating in the Korean dance program. As a sampling method, the participants were asked to respond to the questionnaire through a purposive sampling method and a self-administration method among non-probability sampling methods. The data process was performed by frequency analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis. The results obtained through such research method and analysis are as follows. First, the lifestyles of middle-elderly women participating in Korean dance were found to have a positive and negative effects on factors of leisure involvement. Second, The lifestyle of middle-elderly women during the participation of Korean dance had a positive and negative effects on all factors except information and technical knowledge of leisure involvement. Third, the leisure involvement of middle-elderly women participating in Korean dance appeared to have a significant effect on all factors of recreation specialization.
The Separated Cultural Adaptation of Korean Chinese Sports Club Members’ Habitus 조선족 스포츠동호인의 아비투스에 따른 격리적 형태의 문화적응
오기성WuJi-xing , 조욱연JoWoogyeon
57(4) 69-82, 2018
The Separated Cultural Adaptation of Korean Chinese Sports Club Members’ Habitus 조선족 스포츠동호인의 아비투스에 따른 격리적 형태의 문화적응
오기성WuJi-xing , 조욱연JoWoogyeon
The purpose of this study is to examine the Habitus of Korean Chinese sports club members and investigate how the club culture has been produced. A case study was conducted to achieve this research objective. 8 members of the H Sports Club were selected by using a nomadic indicator system. Data were collected using in-depth interviews and data collection, and the collected data were analyzed through text analysis. The results of this study are as follows : First, while the Korean Chinese sports clubs retain the characteristics of Korean people, they realize that they are different from each other by experiencing Korean society in terms of culture, politics, and economy. This Habitus creates their own consensus, strengthens solidarity, and has a sense of ‘we group’ Second, the Korean Chinese sports clubs have reconfirmed their identity because of the nation's system and disparate cultural environment. They have maintained social capital reproduction and kept isolated cultural adaptation through the network of group members.
A Study on the Concept to Establish of Sport Welfare: Focusing on ‘The Third Way' Political Ideology by Anthony Giddens 스포츠복지 개념 정립에 관한 연구: 앤서니 기든스의 ‘제3의 길’ 정치 이념을 중심으로
정혜진JeongHye-jin , 김홍식KimHong-sik
57(4) 83-101, 2018
A Study on the Concept to Establish of Sport Welfare: Focusing on ‘The Third Way' Political Ideology by Anthony Giddens 스포츠복지 개념 정립에 관한 연구: 앤서니 기든스의 ‘제3의 길’ 정치 이념을 중심으로
정혜진JeongHye-jin , 김홍식KimHong-sik
The purpose of this study was to establish the concept of sports welfare based on Giddens' ′The Third Way′ political ideology. The conclusions of this study are as follows.
First, As a magnanimity welfare, Sports welfare actualize the value of real social integration.
Second, Sports welfare is not only to enjoy the right to welfare benefits of receiving health insurance and medical benefits, but also to do its duty to prevent illness through regular sports activities. I call it ‘welfare to be able to sport’.
Third, Sport welfare is the prevention of disease through regular sports activities and the maintenance of physical, mental and social well-being.
Fourth, Sport welfare is a means or way of trying to keep one's health.
Fifth, Sport welfare is not to make a passive individual depending on health insurance medical benefits, but to make an active individual who actively participates in sports actvities.
Last, Sports welfare is to invest in sports capital to produce the health of the people by improving the sports environment and to establish policies for the welfare of future generations.
Key Words
스포츠복지, 개념, 앤서니 기든스, 제3의 길, 적극적 복지, 사회투자국가, Sport welfare, Concept, Anthony Giddens, The third way, Active welfare, Social investment state
The Exploring the Process of Resocialization of Soccer Retirement Athletes into Worker’s Soccer Teams 축구 은퇴선수들의 직장팀에로의 재사회화 과정 경험 탐색
최금재ChoiGeum-jae , 전원재JeonWon-jae , 임수원LimSoo-woen
57(4) 103-116, 2018
The Exploring the Process of Resocialization of Soccer Retirement Athletes into Worker’s Soccer Teams 축구 은퇴선수들의 직장팀에로의 재사회화 과정 경험 탐색
최금재ChoiGeum-jae , 전원재JeonWon-jae , 임수원LimSoo-woen
The purpose of this study was to investigate the process of resocialization of retired soccer athletes to the soccer teams. In particular, this study examined the joining background, difficulty, and overcoming process of retired soccer players. To do this, a case study was conducted and a working soccer team of S small and medium sized companies in C city was chosen as the research environment. The study participants chose nine soccer players from S small business' s soccer team using purposeful sampling. Data collection focused on non participation observation and in-depth interview. The collected data were analyzed using Creswell's(2013) step 5 of 6 qualitative data analysis method. The results of this study were as follows. First, the background of soccer retirement athletes succeeded in resocialization without difficulty due to senior, junior, and professional player experience. It is also understood that soccer retirement athletes recall their past glory days and then join the team as a means of recognition as a soccer player. Second, the experiences of football retirement athletes adapt to their work life are as follows. Second, the difficulties and overcoming process of the work soccer team life were as follows. Participants have faced a lot of difficulties due to unfamiliar tasks at the beginning of their work life, hostile attitudes, conflicts among fellow workers and anxiety concerning their future life. However, they experienced a sense of job efficiency, communication through active interaction, economic and psychological stability, attachment and unity with the tenacity and much effort.
Personal Trainer's Strategy for Securing Members and Social Meaning 퍼스널 트레이너의 회원확보 전략과 사회적 의미
장은서JungEun-seo , 이정래LeeJung-lae
57(4) 117-131, 2018
Personal Trainer's Strategy for Securing Members and Social Meaning 퍼스널 트레이너의 회원확보 전략과 사회적 의미
장은서JungEun-seo , 이정래LeeJung-lae
The purpose of this study was to examine what kind of strategies personal trainers use in order to acquire members for personal training in the ever-increasing competition of fitness centers, and explore the social implications of these strategies. As such, we have selected 6 personal trainers who are currently working in a fitness center by using purposeful sampling. The data were collected through unstructured and semi-structured in-depth interviews and other related data, and the collected data were analyzed by textual analysis. The results of this study were as follows. It was shown that personal trainers use strategies such as decorate at good feeling, using personal affinity, creating a professional image, doing self-promotion through SNS and etc. in order to acquire members. Examining this from a social perspective, it implies the principle of capital investment to acquire capital, as well as the ‘wag the dog’ phenomenon in personal trainers.
Key Words
피트니스 센터, 퍼스널 트레이너, 회원확보 전략, 왝더독 현상, Fitness center, Personal trainer, Strategy of securing members, Wag the dog phenomenon
Distincion and Subversion Strategies of Dance Sports Instructors 댄스스포츠 지도자들의 구별짓기와 전복전략
이정래Jung-reaLee , 이현주Hyun-juLee , 권기남Ki-namKwon
57(4) 133-146, 2018
Distincion and Subversion Strategies of Dance Sports Instructors 댄스스포츠 지도자들의 구별짓기와 전복전략
이정래Jung-reaLee , 이현주Hyun-juLee , 권기남Ki-namKwon
The purpose of this study is to understand how instructers from the Elite Athletes differentiate themselves from sport for all instructers, and to see what rollover strategies they use to gain their position and vested interests in the dance sports area in Pierre Bourdieu point of view. To achieve this purpose, this study performed a case study method. Participants were selected as nine dance sports instructers(Elite Athlete instructers 4, sport for all instructers 5) who were vigorously active in D, G, M, Y cities and K province by purposeful sampling. Date were collected by participant, in-depth interview, collection of relevant materials, which were analyzed by textual analysis. The results of this study were as follow: First, in the field of dance sports, elite athlete instructers had a sense of entitlement through a symbolic capital called the status of the orthodox party, and they discriminated against sport for all instructers by treating the cultural capital of athlete's career as the same as instructership abilities. Second, in the of dance sports area, sport for all instructers are shown to retain their positions by strengthening the qualities of a leader through accumulation of cultural capital, increasing the awareness through external activities, and joining a dance sports organization.
Key Words
댄스스포츠, 구별짓기, 전복전략, 브루디외, 엘리트지도자, 생활체육 지도자, Dance sports, Distincion, Subversion strategies, Bourdieu, Elite athlete instructers, Sport for all instructers
Test of Relation Model between Teachers' Motivation Styles and Students' Expected Trust for Prediction of Their Task-Solving Behavior in Physical Education 체육수업에서의 학생들의 과제해결행동 예측을 위한 교사의 동기부여방식과 기대믿음의 관계모형 검증
57(4) 147-157, 2018
Test of Relation Model between Teachers' Motivation Styles and Students' Expected Trust for Prediction of Their Task-Solving Behavior in Physical Education 체육수업에서의 학생들의 과제해결행동 예측을 위한 교사의 동기부여방식과 기대믿음의 관계모형 검증
The purpose of this study was to investigate structural relations among teachers' motivation styles perceived by students, expected trust, and task-solving behavior in physical education(PE) classes in middle school. The subjects include middle school students in the Seoul metropolitan region. Total 427 questionnaires were included as valid samples through convenience sampling. Data was treated with the SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 programs. The hypotheses were tested after checking the fitness of the overall model. The findings were as follows: first, autonomy support, one of subfactors of motivation styles, had significant effects on expected trust, whereas controlling behavior had no significant effects on it. Second, students' expected trust had positive impacts on help-seeking behavior under the category of task-solving behavior and negative ones on self-handicapping behavior. Third, autonomy support, a motivation style, had positive influences on help-seeking behavior and no significant influences on self-handicapping behavior. Controlling behavior had no significant effects on help-seeking behavior and positive effects on self-handicapping behavior. Finally, the study examined the mediating effects of expected trust on relations between motivation styles and task-solving behavior and found that it had mediating effects only on relations between autonomy support and task-solving behavior. In short, it is the most important for teachers to create a lesson environment to support students' autonomy rather than acting in a controlling manner.
The purpose of this study was to validate the Korean version of mindfulness questionnaire (KMQ) developed by Thienot et al’s in the sport setting. And then, it was investigated relationships between mindfulness of athletes-students and anxiety and mental toughness. The mindfulness included 15 items of three factors which are awareness (5 items), non-judgmental (5 items), and refocusing (5 items). In order to verify the validity, KMQ was revised by the recommended test development and revision procedure. To test the validation of mindfulness, we recruited the high school and college athletes-students (N=297). The participants were asked to complete questionnaires to assess the perception of mindfulness, anxiety and mental toughness. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) to test the fit of measurement models were employed to explore three higher-order three-factor measurement model. As results, first, based on results of explanatory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, the Korean version of mindfulness demonstrated a good model fit of measurement as well as good factorial and predictive validity. Second, the reliability of the scale also was resonable. Third, the mindfulness had a meaningful negative direct relation with anxiety, whereas mindfulness had a meaningful positive direct relation with mental toughness. Finally, construct validity and predictive validity of KMQ showed valid. Overall, the initial validation and development of mindfulness in Korean sport setting will be a good opportunity precisely to assess athletes-students’for mindfulness.
A Study on the Possibility to Apply PBL-based Instruction to Theoretical Classes of Physical Education University 체육대학 이론수업에 대한 PBL 기반 수업 적용가능성 탐색
박재우ParkJea-woo , 김동학KimDong-hak
57(4) 177-193, 2018
A Study on the Possibility to Apply PBL-based Instruction to Theoretical Classes of Physical Education University 체육대학 이론수업에 대한 PBL 기반 수업 적용가능성 탐색
박재우ParkJea-woo , 김동학KimDong-hak
The purpose of this study was to analyze the concept and application of Problem Based Learning (PBL) within a physical education environment in order to assess the effectiveness of a learner-driven and self-directed learning environment. The study examined PBL concepts and implementation strategies for breaking away from traditional learning methods required for students studying within a physical education major discipline with emphasis developing and managing future sports programs. For this study, six physical education students who had studied and completed PBL theory courses were selected as research participants. The study was conducted through an inductive category analysis method based upon the PBL class materials, student performance scores, reflection logs, and participant interviews. As a result of student analysis and study goals, the first PBL study objective to assess the effectiveness of cooperative learning in a group setting, and participants ability to effectively communication course content and principles were achieved. The second study outcome was an assessed improvement in study participants PBL problem-solving ability and self-directed learning ability. Third, in order to increase students' ability to identify root cause and resolve creative problems, the instructor can increase the weight of the theoretical classes or use the e-learning lectures raise the students' understanding level of understanding and problem solving guidelines. In summary, the study also provided some insight into the dynamics and techniques that should be used when using Problem Based Learning (PBL). Specifically, at times it may be necessary to include tutors in order to increase the learning effect; PBL classes should be limited to a maximum of forty students in order to maintain instructor control; the role of the instructor is important for the successful PBL implementation; and lastly, the instructor’s enthusiasm and efforts are critical factors that facilitate and enhance successful PBL performance and outcomes.
Key Words
문제중심학습, 문제해결역량, 자기주도적학습, Problem based learning, Problem solving competence, Self-directed learning
Relationships of Adolescents’ Physical Self-Concept and Life Satisfaction by Gender and Physical Activity Level 청소년의 성별과 신체활동 참가수준에 따른 신체적 자기개념과 생활만족의 관계
박세윤ParkSeyun , 윤대현YunDae-hyun , 권인선KwonIn-seon
57(4) 195-205, 2018
Relationships of Adolescents’ Physical Self-Concept and Life Satisfaction by Gender and Physical Activity Level 청소년의 성별과 신체활동 참가수준에 따른 신체적 자기개념과 생활만족의 관계
박세윤ParkSeyun , 윤대현YunDae-hyun , 권인선KwonIn-seon
This study aim to examine the relations of adolescent’s physical activity level, physical self-concept and satisfaction with life across gender. 448 high school students were answered International Physical Activity Questionnaire and questionnaires of physical self-concept, self-esteem, peer relationship stress, relationship with parent, and life satisfaction. Data were analyzed using descriptive, correlation, two-way ANOVA. The results showed that there was a significant correlation between physical self-concept, self-esteem, peer relationship stress, relationship with parent and life satisfaction. There was a significant difference in physical self-concept according to gender and physical activity participation level, and self-esteem was significantly different according to physical activity participation level. Physical self-concept and self-esteem of adolescents were higher in moderate or more level of physical activity participation and boys have higher physical self-concept. Considering with self-esteem, peer relationship stress and relationship with parent, the effects of physical self-concept on life satisfaction were significant only in male students with low level of physical activity participation.
Key Words
신체활동, 생활만족, 신체적 자기개념, 자아존중감, 성별, Physical activity, Life satisfaction, Physical self-concept, Self esteem, Gender
The Effect of Job Embeddedness on Turnover Intention of Yoga Instructors: Focused on the Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction 요가지도자의 직무배태성이 이직의도에 미치는 영향: 직무만족의 매개효과를 중심으로
57(4) 207-221, 2018
The Effect of Job Embeddedness on Turnover Intention of Yoga Instructors: Focused on the Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction 요가지도자의 직무배태성이 이직의도에 미치는 영향: 직무만족의 매개효과를 중심으로
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of job embeddedness on turnover intention of yoga instructors. In addition, this study examined the mediating effect of job satisfaction between job embeddeness and turnover intention. A total of 250 questionnaires were distributed using online and offline surveys, and 221 samples were analyzed. Techniques for data analysis were frequency analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling analysis by SPSS 23.0 and Amos 23.0. The results of this study were as follows: First, fit and sacrifice had negative effects on turnover intention, but there was no significant effect from link. Second, all sub-factors of job embeddedness had positive effects on job satisfaction. Third, job satisfaction showed negative impacts on turnover intention. Lastly, the relationship between fit and turnover intention, as well as sacrifice and turnover intention, were partially mediated by job satisfaction. However, the relationship between link and turnover intention was perfectly mediated by job satisfaction.
The Effects of Felt Responsibility on Innovative Play of Elite Football Players in High School: The Mediating Role of Psychological Safety 고등학교 엘리트 축구선수들의 공유 책임감이 혁신적 플레이에 미치는 영향: 심리적 안전의 매개효과
57(4) 223-233, 2018
The Effects of Felt Responsibility on Innovative Play of Elite Football Players in High School: The Mediating Role of Psychological Safety 고등학교 엘리트 축구선수들의 공유 책임감이 혁신적 플레이에 미치는 영향: 심리적 안전의 매개효과
The purpose of this study was to verify the causal relationship among felt responsibility, psychological safety and innovative play perceived by players within elite football teams in high school. The survey was distributed to players in six high school elite football teams. A total of 177 data was used for the final analysis using SPSS 23.0 and Lisrel 9.2. Frequent analysis, correlation analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used and the result were as follows. First, felt responsibility perceived by the players had a positive affect on players’psychological safety. Second, psychological safety perceived by the players had a positive affect on innovative play. Third, psychological safety fully mediated the relationship between felt responsibility and innovative play.
Key Words
공유 책임감, 심리적 안전, 혁신적 플레이, 고등학교 엘리트 축구팀, Felt responsibility, Psychological safety, Innovative play, Elite football teams in high school
Meta-analysis of Brand Equity in Sports Field 스포츠분야에서 활용된 브랜드자산에 대한 메타분석
The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of brand equity in sports field through meta-analysis. In order to analyze the data, 30 preliminary works related to brand equity used in the sports field were selected and analyzed through CMA (Comprehensive Meta Analysis). The results of the study are as follows. First, the effect size of brand equity in the sports field was found to be as high as .557. Second, the most influential effect size of sub-factors of brand equity was brand loyalty (ESr=.631(607). Third, The effect sizes of brand equity according to dependent variables were confirmed by order of revisit intention (ESr=.610(612)), attitude (ESr=.561(557)), purchase intention (ESr=.559(537)), trust (ESr=.550(561)), word of mouth (ESr=.547(552)) and satisfaction (ESr=.539(554)) and commitment (ESr=.499(500)). Forth, the effect of brand equity on the type was in the order of sports sponsorship (ESr=.602), sports goods (ESr=.556), participating sports (ESr=.555), sports media (ESr=.453) and viewing sports. The effect of brand equity on ratio of males was not statistically significant. Based on the results of this study, it is possible to establish appropriate direction in the fields where brand equity in sports field can be applied.
A Study on Improving KFA Management Based on Football Fans' Experiences - Using Critical Incidents Technique 대한축구협회(KFA)운영에 관한 축구팬들의 경험 및 개선 요구 사항 연구 - 결정적 사건 기법(CIT)을 중심으로
서단SeoDan , 조광민ChoKwang-min , 변현ByunHyun
57(4) 247-265, 2018
A Study on Improving KFA Management Based on Football Fans' Experiences - Using Critical Incidents Technique 대한축구협회(KFA)운영에 관한 축구팬들의 경험 및 개선 요구 사항 연구 - 결정적 사건 기법(CIT)을 중심으로
서단SeoDan , 조광민ChoKwang-min , 변현ByunHyun
The purpose of this study was to classify improvement factors of KFA management based on the football fans' positive experiences and negative experiences. The result of this study is aimed to present basic data for establishing KFA future plan. This study used CIT as a research method to attain the goal. 263 football fans who fully perceive KFA's current situation and its management were selected for the participants. The results are as follows. First, according to the results of analyzing the football fans' positive experiences, 5 abstraction words have turned out through classification process, which were football industry, national football team management, football culture, inner administration, and youth football. Second, as a result of football fans' negative experiences, national football team management, inner administration, football industry, and youth system have turned out as 4 abstraction words through classification process. Lastly, 4 abstraction words related to improving KFA management came out, which were inner administration, national football team management, football industry, and youth system.
Key Words
결정적 사건 기법, 대한축구협회, 축구팬, Critical incidents technique, Korea football association, Football fan
The Effect of Sports Center Instructor's Credibility on Positive Emotion, Members Satisfaction and Recommendation Intention 스포츠센터 지도자의 공신력이 긍정적 감정, 회원만족 및 추천의사에 미치는 영향
정승훈JeongSeung-hoon , 김성용KimSung-yong
57(4) 267-285, 2018
The Effect of Sports Center Instructor's Credibility on Positive Emotion, Members Satisfaction and Recommendation Intention 스포츠센터 지도자의 공신력이 긍정적 감정, 회원만족 및 추천의사에 미치는 영향
정승훈JeongSeung-hoon , 김성용KimSung-yong
The purpose of this study was to provide a basic data for sport center management through examining the causal relationship among instructor's credibility, positive emotion, members satisfaction, recommendation intention associated with sports center members. The researchers were included 481 usable data analysis members from ten sports centers located in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. For data analyses, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling were performed using SPSS 22,0 and AMOS 22.0. As results of the analysis: First, credibility(expertise, trustworthiness and attractiveness) of sports center instructor had influence on positive emotion. Second, credibility(expertise, trustworthiness and attractiveness) of sports center instructor had influence on members satisfaction. Third, positive emotion of sports center had influence on members satisfaction, and recommendation intention. Forth, members satisfaction of sports center had influence on recommendation intention.
Key Words
스포츠센터, 지도자, 공신력, 긍정적 감정, 회원만족, 추천의사, Sports center, Instructor's credibility, Positive emotion, Members satisfaction, Recommendation intention
A Study on Economic Analysis of Sports IT Convergence R&D with Policy Analysis 정책분석단계를 적용한 스포츠IT 융복합 R&D의 경제성 분석
57(4) 287-303, 2018
A Study on Economic Analysis of Sports IT Convergence R&D with Policy Analysis 정책분석단계를 적용한 스포츠IT 융복합 R&D의 경제성 분석
Inefficient sports IT convergence R&D investment has become a problem. In order to solve such problem, it is required to implement proactive policy analysis expecting efficiency. Therefore, this study aims to perform economic analysis applicable to the policy analysis stage through an actual case of convergence sports IT R&D project (Kim, Park, Park, Cho & Kang, 2016). Thus, this study conducted an economic analysis which could intensively analyze possibilities of industrialization·commercialization·technical realization out of various methods usable in the policy analysis stage. The economic analysis stage is composed of following; the 1st stage as introduction of products and market and the 2nd stage as analysis of market attractiveness and market competitiveness. Based on this, it was possible to draw size of products to be developed through sports IT convergence R&D and technology market, growth rate, contribution rate, competitive degree, chance of success in industrialization, and effect on market by qualitative and quantitative method and also possible to forecast industrialization, commercialization, and technical realization. The conclusion drawn through above process will help expansion of research area in addition to organic combination of cultural technology and arts management in performance of subsequent researches.
Analysis on Significance of Taekwondo as a Community Service Leisure Project 프로젝트형 여가로 참여하는 태권도 봉사 활동의 의미 분석
양예YangRui , 연분홍YeonBoon-hong , 임진선LimJin-sun
57(4) 305-316, 2018
Analysis on Significance of Taekwondo as a Community Service Leisure Project 프로젝트형 여가로 참여하는 태권도 봉사 활동의 의미 분석
양예YangRui , 연분홍YeonBoon-hong , 임진선LimJin-sun
This study aims to find out the significance of experiences in World Taekwondo Peace Corps activities, and to identify its value as a leisure project. Participants of the study were 6 volunteers who engaged in Taekwondo community service activity from 2010 to 2017. The following conclusions were obtained as a result. First, life satisfaction was reinforced through WTPC activity. Joy from the process of preparing for Taekwondo community service activity, as well as fluent communication with local trainees in the participation process, enhanced the volunteers' satisfaction on their lives. Second, participants felt the prestige of Taekwondo through the activity, and showed improved self-regard for having learned Taekwondo. Third, overseas experience in community service activity led to improved lifestyle through regular plans and life patterns, promoting self-improvement as well as confidence on career and broadening perspectives on life. Fourth, with increased need for making decision in overseas community service activities as Taekwondo instructors, participants saw improved decision-making ability. Fifth, overseas community service activity reinforced self-confidence, therefore enhancing the sense of challenge. Such process led to improved self-trust on talents, as well as enhanced self-pride. Therefore, the WTPC activity that was engaged in leisure project is not only a volunteer activity, but also a sense of satisfaction and pride that can be improved by volunteers.
Key Words
프로젝트형 여가, 태권도 봉사, WTPC 활동, 현상학, Project leisure, Community service of Taekwondo, WTPC activity, Phenomenology
Government Involvement in Sport Industry and the Economic Impact 정부의 스포츠산업 지원정책과 경제적 파급효과 분석
유한웅YooHan-woong , 강현민KangHyun-min
57(4) 317-331, 2018
Government Involvement in Sport Industry and the Economic Impact 정부의 스포츠산업 지원정책과 경제적 파급효과 분석
유한웅YooHan-woong , 강현민KangHyun-min
The purpose of this study was to examine the extent of the government's intervention into the sport industry market through the sport industry support project and the economic impact caused by it. For this purpose, the spending for each category of sport industry support projects was sampled from the officially announced 2016 National Sport Promotion Fund settlement report, and related industries were classified based on the Input-Output Relation Table announced by The Bank of Korea. The following results were confirmed by Input-Output Relation Analysis. First, the budget of the governmental sport industry budget is 102.4 billion won, which is 7.1% of national sport financing, of which 76.7 billion won was executed. Second, the value-added inducement coefficient and the employment inducement coefficient of the sport industry support project are higher than overall industry average, while the production inducement coefficient was lower than the average, and the results were similar to those of the previous study. Third, 76.7 billion won was financed through the intervention of the sport industry market. The production effect is 127.2 billion won, value added is 66.0 billion won, and employment inducement 684 people has created economic effects. The effect of the government depends on the characteristics of the industry and the method of spending.
Key Words
스포츠산업, 스포츠산업시장, 스포츠산업 지원정책, 정부 개입, 정부 지원, 경제적 파급, 부가가치, 산업연관분석, Sport industry, Sport industry market, Sport industry support policy, Government intervention, Government involvement, Economic impact, Input-output relation analysis
The Effects of Moderate-intensity Aerobic Exercise Following Fasting on Blood FGF21, IL-6 Levels, and Energy Metabolism in Obese Men 금식 후 일회성 중등강도 유산소성 운동이 성인비만 남성의 혈중 FGF21, IL-6 농도 및 에너지대사에 미치는 효과
The Effects of Moderate-intensity Aerobic Exercise Following Fasting on Blood FGF21, IL-6 Levels, and Energy Metabolism in Obese Men 금식 후 일회성 중등강도 유산소성 운동이 성인비만 남성의 혈중 FGF21, IL-6 농도 및 에너지대사에 미치는 효과
The purpose of this study was investigate to the effects of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise following fasting on blood fibroblast growth factor 21(FGF21), interleukin-6(IL-6) levels, and energy metabolism in obese men. Ten obese males aged 20 to 30 participated in a moderate-intensity aerobic exercise following fasting(MIAEFF), high-intensity aerobic exercise(HIAE) and moderate-intensity aerobic exercise(MIAE) treatment at weekly intervals, respectively. Blood samples were collected at rest, immediately after exercise, and recovery, and FGF21, epinephrine, free fatty acid(FFA), growth hormone(GH), glucose, cortisol and IL-6 were analyzed with blood samples. As a results, FGF21 concentration showed a significant difference between all three treatments. Epinephrine concentrations were significantly different between treatments and time, respectively. FFA concentration was the highest in MIAEFF treatment, Insulin was the lowest in MIAE treatment. Cortisol concentrations were higher in MIAEFF treatment than in MIAE treatment. GH concentrations immediately after exercise were significantly higher than rest in all three treatment, glucose concentrations immediately after exercise were significantly lower than rest in all three treatment. IL-6 concentrations were significantly different between treatments and time, particularly. In addition, MIAEFF treatment showed the lowest IL-6 concentration among treatments. In conclusion, MIAEFF is effective for fat metabolism as well as FGF21 expression. Furthermore, MIAEFF may be a positive exercise prescription program for prevention and improvement of metabolic disorders.
Key Words
금식, 유산소성 운동, 에너지대사, Fasting, Aerobic exercise, FGF21, IL-6, Energy metabolism
The Study on Development and Application of Training Program for General Preparation Period among Youth Baseball Players 유소년 야구선수를 위한 일반준비기 훈련프로그램의 개발 및 적용
윤동일YounDong-il , 김정훈KimJung-hoon
57(4) 345-362, 2018
The Study on Development and Application of Training Program for General Preparation Period among Youth Baseball Players 유소년 야구선수를 위한 일반준비기 훈련프로그램의 개발 및 적용
윤동일YounDong-il , 김정훈KimJung-hoon
The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of general preparation period on performance predictors among youth baseball players. Based on principles of general preparation period, training program during 4 weeks consisted of band training for upper extremity, and baseball-specific physical and technical training. As a result of application of this periodic training program, body composition was not changed after 4 weeks of general preparation period, except for height which showed very small but statistically significant increase. Hand grip strength also showed no difference between pre- and post-training. Back strength was very closed to significance (p=.140) and thereby increased by 12% post training. Isokinetic knee strength post training were not different from pre-training. To identify functional improvement of rotator cuff muscles, we measured isokinetic strength of internal and external rotation in shoulder complex. As a result, 4 weeks of training program improved isokinetic strength of external rotation in both sides(p<.05 or p<.01), but not in that of internal rotation. In addition, symmetry index of hand grip strength and rotational strength in shoulder complex was also investigated and that of external rotational strength post training was substantially decreased suggesting that training regimen was very effective to minimize strength difference between non-dominant and dominant side. There was no difference pre-to-post comparison in cardiovascular function (i.e., VO2max and HRmax), but throwing velocity and base running time were increased by 5% and decreased by 4%, respectively, showing that the degree of this improvement can significantly but posistively affect baseball performance. Taken together, the training program used in this study may be effective to lead to next training regimen such as special preparation period and appropriate to apply for conditioning program to prevent injury.
Key Words
유소년 야구, 일반준비기, 등속성 근력, 구속, 베이스러닝기록, Youth baseball, General preparation, Isokinetic strength, Throwing velocity, Base running time
Effects of Resistance and Balance Exercise on Temporal·Spatial Gait Ability, and Functional Ambulatory Profiles in Elderly Women 저항성 운동과 평형성 운동이 여성 노인의 시·공간적 보행능력 및 보행성취도에 미치는 영향
57(4) 363-373, 2018
Effects of Resistance and Balance Exercise on Temporal·Spatial Gait Ability, and Functional Ambulatory Profiles in Elderly Women 저항성 운동과 평형성 운동이 여성 노인의 시·공간적 보행능력 및 보행성취도에 미치는 영향
The study was designed to examine the effects of 12 weeks of resistance and balance exercise training on Temporal parameters, spatial parameters and fuctional ambulatory profiles in elderly women. fifty two healthy elderly women were resistance exercise training group(RETG: 17), balance exercise training group(BETG: 17), and control group(CG: 18). The subjects in RETG participated in resistance exercise training program which was consisted of thera-band exercise, 60 minutes per session, and three times per week for 12 weeks. There were significant interactions between group and test in single support time(left), step length(left), and stride length(left) after 12 weeks of interventions. All temporal parameters improved significantly in RETG, and all temporal parameters except single support time(left) and ambulation time improved significantly in BETG. All spatial parameters except H-H base of support improved significantly in both training groups. Functional ambulatory profiles in two training groups showed a tendency to be improved, but the changes failed to reach statistical significant level. It was concluded that both resistance and balance exercise training programs were effective in enhancing the gait ability. Especially, it was shown that resistance exercise training was more effective in enhancing the variables compared to balance exercise training, indicating that the exercise training program for gait ability in the elderly should be composed mainly of resistance exercises. The research investigating the effects of more various exercise training program on gait ability rerated variables would be warranted in the future.
Key Words
여성노인, 보행능력, 보행성취도, 저항성 운동, 평형성 운동, Elderly women, Gait ability, Functional ambulatory profile, Resistance exercise, Balance exercise
Impact of Central Obesity and Physical Activity Behavior on Health-related Quality of Life among Korean Older Adults 한국 노인의 복부비만 유무에 따른 신체활동 수준 및 좌식시간과 건강관련 삶의 질의 관계
Impact of Central Obesity and Physical Activity Behavior on Health-related Quality of Life among Korean Older Adults 한국 노인의 복부비만 유무에 따른 신체활동 수준 및 좌식시간과 건강관련 삶의 질의 관계
Due to the rapid increase of the elderly population in Korea, there is a growing interest in ‘Healthy Aging.’ In this trend, it is important to identify the relationship between their lifestyle factors and quality of life. The purpose of this study was to identify the association of physical activity level, sedentary behavior and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among Korean older adults. A total of 4,589 older adults at the Sixth and Seventh National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey was analyzed. The results showed that better HRQoL was observed among physically active older female, which was more evident among physically active female with central obesity while no such relationship was observed among older male. On the other hand, higher sedentary time was associated with lower HRQoL in both male and female subjects. Our analyses indicated that central obesity was closely related with HRQoL regardless of their physical activity levels in female subjects. Further analyses investigating association between sub-dimension of HRQoL and sub-domain of physical activity showed that higher transport physical activity was associated with better anxiety/depression score and higher sedentary time was associated with poorer score on mobility, usual activities among male and mobility, self-care, usual activity and anxiety/depression among female. Our finding suggests that physical activity level, sedentary behavior and central obesity associated with HRQoL.
Key Words
국민건강영양조사, 노인, 복부비만, 신체활동, 좌식시간, 건강관련 삶의 질, KNHANES, Older adult, Central obesity, Physical activity, Sedentary time, Health-related quality of life
Factors Contributing to Winning in Ice Hockey: Analysis of 2017 Ice Hockey World Championship 2017 International Ice Hockey Federation World Championship의 승리 결정요인 분석
Factors Contributing to Winning in Ice Hockey: Analysis of 2017 Ice Hockey World Championship 2017 International Ice Hockey Federation World Championship의 승리 결정요인 분석
The purpose of this study is to provide information regarding the strategies by identifying the main variables that determines the winning team based on the records of all games of the 2017 IIHF World Championship Top league. 64 matches were analyzed for the study. 6 variables were analyzed which included ratio of saves, shots on goal, penalties in minutes, time for power play, power play goals, and face off wins. Logistic regression analysis (LRA), multiple regression analysis (MRA), and principal component analysis (PCA) were implemented to examine the relationship between win and loss. In case of LRA, shots on goal (p<.001), face-off wins (p<.001) had significantly positive relation to winning of game whereas, penalties in minutes (p<.01) and time on power play (p<.01) had significantly negative. Using MRA, win percentage was calculated which had significant positive correlation to ratio of saves (p<.01) and face-off wins (p<.001) whereas, a significant negative with penalties in minutes (p<.001). For PCA, the winning team consisted of penalty, attack, and defense factors whereas, losing teams consisted only the attack and defense factors.
Key Words
아이스하키, 승리 요인, 로지스틱 회귀분석, 중다회귀분석, 주성분분석, Ice hockey, Winning factors, Logistic regression analysis, Multiple regression analysis, Principal component analysis
The Relationship between The Disability Sports Awareness and Prejudice Considering the Moderating Effects of Inclusive Physical Activity Experience 통합체육 경험유무의 조절효과를 고려한 장애인스포츠인식과 편견의 관계
서은철EunchulSeo , 김종식Jong-shikKim
57(4) 395-406, 2018
The Relationship between The Disability Sports Awareness and Prejudice Considering the Moderating Effects of Inclusive Physical Activity Experience 통합체육 경험유무의 조절효과를 고려한 장애인스포츠인식과 편견의 관계
서은철EunchulSeo , 김종식Jong-shikKim
The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship between the disability sports awareness and prejudice considering the moderating effects of inclusive physical activity experience, and to provide the information of disability sports awareness perceived by the public. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, 948 people(public) were assessed for their disability sports awareness, prejudice, and inclusive physical activity experience. Multigroup bifactor model and multigroup metric bifactor model were applied to verify the research problem. Amos 23.0 program was applied to the analysis and statistical significance level was set to .05. As a result, first, as a result of estimating the multi-group bifactor model that controls the group effect of inclusive physical activity experience, the factor structure of the disability sports awareness is consistent with previous studies. However, since the ds9, ds10, and ds11 items in the individual psychology dimension are fully explained by the G factor, it is necessary to modify or remove the CFA model. Second, the inclusive physical activity experience group showed a decrease in prejudice as G factor and social culture dimension increased, On the other hand, in the inclusive physical activity non-experience group, prejudice decreased as social culture dimension increased, and prejudice increased as individual psychology dimension increased. Through this series of results, this study discussed various perspectives on the relationship among inclusive physical activity experience, disability sports awareness and prejudice, and suggested suggestions for follow-up study.
Exploration on Retirement Perception of Athletes with Disabilities Applying for Retirement Concept Model 은퇴개념 모형을 적용한 장애인 운동선수의 은퇴지각 탐색
위유섭WiYoo-seob , 원영인WonYoungin , 김지태KimJi-tae
57(4) 407-421, 2018
Exploration on Retirement Perception of Athletes with Disabilities Applying for Retirement Concept Model 은퇴개념 모형을 적용한 장애인 운동선수의 은퇴지각 탐색
위유섭WiYoo-seob , 원영인WonYoungin , 김지태KimJi-tae
The purpose of this study was to explore retirement perceptions of retired athletes with disabilities applying to the retirement concept model developed by Talyor & Ogilvie(1998). As the participants in the study, four retired national athletes who won medals in the Paralympics and Asian Para Games were selected with snowball sampling method. The narrative inquiry method, one of qualitative research methods were used. The followings the conclusions: Firstly, disabled national athletes decide to retire because of deterioration in physical strength and athletic performance, aggravated wound, maintenance of livelihood and lack of business teams. Secondly, the factors for the preparation of retirement of disabled national athletes are their mind, insufficient support for the disabled and the pressure of entering the society. Thirdly, the resources available for the preparation of retirement of disabled national athletes are provision of information, unrealistic support, participation in education for the non-disabled, acquisition of professional certificates and mind-set. Fourthly, the images adapting to retirement of disabled national athletes are the mental status such as leisure, futility and regret, a sense of isolation and financial burden. Fifthly, the prevention and mediation factors for the measures after retirement recognized by disabled national athletes are acquiring degree and professional certificates, being confident and doing hobbies. The study should be meaningful in that it has prepared a system which could help disabilities athletes in preparing for their future retirement.
Key Words
은퇴개념 모형, 장애인 은퇴선수, 은퇴지각, Retirement concept model, Retired athletes with disabilities, Retirement perception